The Multi GENERATIONS CHORUS fulfills several needs of the community in the following ways:

• Improving the well-being of older adults by fostering social and music connectedness, and addressing critical community needs;

• Reducing a sense of isolation, thus lessening depression and the stigma associated with aging;

• Serving youth and seniors collectively by learning or relearning new musical skills.

• Reducing ageism through its support of programs that increase participation of older persons in the social and economic life of the county using an intergenerational relationship model and improving access to critically needed services and cultural activities,

• Supporting youth development by filling a social gap and music development,

• Helping to improve youth self-esteem, self-motivation, and a feeling of connectedness.

• Engaging the energetic showmanship of youth,

• Enjoying the dynamic enthusiasm of teens,

• Tapping into the expertise of adults,

• Relying on the wisdom of elders helping to build a solid foundation for our youth.

Based on these “Purpose Principles”, the CAAPA Multi GENERATIONS Chorus taps into a much-needed arts element in the community.  Music, the universal language performed via CMC as a collective.


Coalition for African Americans

in the Performing Arts

"Bringing Color to the Classics"

CFC #36258



Post Office Box 44954

Fort Washington,  Maryland 20749



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