A Washington, DC area based, non-profit organization, with outreach throughout the nation, the Coalition for African Americans in the Performing Arts (CAAPA) was founded in 2003 by classical musicians brother and sister team Victor Simonson and Pamela Simonson, along with a collective of artists and arts lovers, who were seeking to create wider-based performance opportunities for African American classical musicians and performing artists, as well as introducing the classical music genre, along with other art forms to African American audiences.


The native New Yorkers sought to bring their own love and passion for classical music to African Americans organizations, individuals, and companies, but more importantly, as Beneficiaries of organizations and groups who supported their talent in the arts as youth, they desired to provide a platform for others, in order to “give back to their community”.  CAAPA is their way of saying thank you to their “village”.  The musicians now live by the credo…”Bring color to the classics!”


The CAAPA team desires to promote and support performers and diligently seeks to recognize talent, thus helping to broaden the audience scope and to stimulate the further appreciation of classical artists. If you know a talented classical musician who desires support, contact CAAPA today.


In the meantime, won’t you become a sponsor, (a variety of financial levels are available) or become a member by joining the CAAPA cause and “Bring Color to the Classics!”?


CFC #36258



Post Office Box 44954

Fort Washington,  Maryland 20749

301-839-1444  info@4caapa.org


Contact CAAPA Today.

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